Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Midnight trip to E R

You have to expect the unexpected...

This happened the night of Friday, February 2nd, 2007.
Little Michael was so happy that papa was home that night. We stayed up late and Michael was dancing and twirling in the living room when a little twirl threw him off balance and he hit the corner of our tiny coffee table. I picked him up immediately as he screamed and cried. I knew it was a bad, I asked my husband to look at him while I hold him as I couldn't dare to do so.
He was bleeding from near his right eye and we both panicked. My husband called 911 and the paramedics were here in one minute (Great job guys!).
The bleeding was controlled well, he stopped crying as the paramedic checked on him. His eye sight seemed to be fine but still the cut looked deep so we need to check him up to E R. Then off we went..

Waiting in E R wasn't fun at all, it was midnight and cold and we had to wait a long time. We were placed in a room, we were tired and worried and little Michael was restless. I had to hold an ice pack still on his cut but he couldn't stand the wait. Good thing it didn't bleed bad, so I let him moved around the bed and read a book. Finally a doctor came to see him and decided he didn't need stitches. They cleaned the cut again and put dermabond skin glue to cover the wound and then we left.
This is how he looked like the day after (the glue was there):

Well, it was four nights ago and Michael is doing great right now. In fact the glue on his cut was shed off during his naptime today. His wound looks okay though it's not healed yet. I need to make sure he's not scrubbing it as it will itch towards the healing process.

That was some night:
"it sure put belts on our stomachs".


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